Large Sardines in Olive Oil (No.34) – BRUJULA
Large Sardines (3/4 pieces). Canned exclusively from fresh, those Sardines are carefully cleaned and prepared by hand before being brined. They are then steamed on traditional racks, before being expertly packed in their tins.
Our Brand, La Brújula ( the Compass) is located in Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain, It is renown throughout Spain for its high quality, and commitment to locally sourced Fish and Seafood (Galicia and Cantabria) and it’s strong focus on artisan & sustainable fishing. It defines itself as Haute cuisine in Artisanal preserves.
115g (3-4 pieces)
One pack costs:
Sardines, Olive oil, Salt
Sustainability:Latin name:Sardina pilchardus
Catch area / Method of capture:
Caught by Artisan Purse Seine nets off the Coast of Spain