Very Small Sardines ‘Do Xeito’ (No.122)- BRUJULA
The Small Sardines “Do Xeito” (12-16 per tins) from Conservas LA Brújula are captured in the shallow water of the Galician Rias, This ancestral fishing method makes use of nets curtains, set along the shores to drive the fish toward traps where they are carefully caught, without stress, before being sent to processing to the cannery.
Our Brand, La Brújula ( the Compass) is located in Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain, It is renown throughout Spain for its high quality, and commitment to locally sourced Fish and Seafood (Galicia and Cantabria) and it’s strong focus on artisan & sustainable fishing. It defines itself as Haute cuisine in Artisanal preserves.
8 in stock
Sustainability:Latin name:Sardina pilchardus
Catch area / Method of capture:
Caught with net traps in the Galician Rias