Use within 4 days of Pack Date

Large Slip Sole Skinless (2 pieces )
€23.00 / Kg

We can fillet anything, but take our word for it: “Black soles are best left alone, simply skinned and cooked on the bone”. The firm meaty fillets will slide off the bones after cooking.

Black sole are also known as “Dover Sole” on the other side of a border… (The culinary world knows no divides or politics…. 😉 )

600- 700g ( 2 pieces )
One pack costs: €16.00

8 in stock

Let us prepare your fish

Note: preparation method selected will decrease the weight you receive
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    • Sustainability:
      Latin name:Solea solea
    • Catch area / Method of capture:
      Wild, Trawl caught, Aran Islands