Sardines Guisadas Galician Sauce (No.35) – BRUJULA
One to try… Sardinas Guisadas Xoubas ( Sardine in Galician sauce) This is the top selling, signature Sardine tin from La brújula. MEdium size Sardines (6-7 per tins are smoothered in a delicous homemade Galician style sauce. Once you tasted it, you understand its popularity with tins lovers…
Our Brand, La Brújula ( the Compass) is located in Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain, It is renown throughout Spain for its high quality, and commitment to locally sourced Fish and Seafood (Galicia and Cantabria) and it’s strong focus on artisan & sustainable fishing. It defines itself as Haute cuisine in Artisanal preserves.
Sardines, Olive oil, Tomato, Onion, Red pepper, Wine, Flour (GLUTEN), Spices, Salt
Sustainability:Latin name:Sardina pilchardus
Catch area / Method of capture:
Caught by Artisan Purse Seine nets off the Coast of Spain