Smoked Shark ( Rock Salmon )
€28.00 / Kg
After a preservation ban which lasted many years, Spurdog or Rock Salmon has returned to our fresh fish counters. This species of Shark also known as Dogfish… is meaty with a soft texture and a high oil content. Like so many other oily fish, its flavour is amazing once smoked. The smoked bellies of Rock Salmon have been traditionally smoked in in Germany where they are very popular and known as “Schillerlocke”
We filleted, skinned and deboned smaller size fish and sent them to Gerry @ Keem bay smokehouse on Achill. and the end result is amazing… A velvety, melt in the mouth texture, complemented by the smoked flavour. Hot smoked and ready to eat… One to try
Rock Salmon (Spurdog) Smoke, Salt
Sustainability:Latin name:Squalls acanthias
Catch area / Method of capture:
Gill net, South Coast