Millesime Sardines in Olive Oil Art Edition (Millesime 2019) – PENMARCH

Vintage Sardines 2019
The sardines are encased fresh during the fishing season, made the old-fashioned way and canned in Douarnenez. Very rich in omega 3 and calcium, the vintage sardines have been kept for 4 months until they have started to preserve in their extra virgin olive oil. Don’t forget to turn your can around every 6 months so that your sardines are always bathed in their oil, and improve over time.
115g Tin Penmarch
One pack costs: €7.00

SARDINES, extra virgin olive oil, salt.

  • Sustainability:
    Latin name:Sardina pilchardus
  • Catch area / Method of capture:
    Landed in Douarnenez, caught by seine net, Brittany, France