Spiced Sardines – POLLASTRINI
GOURMET -Sardines in olive oil “Piccanti”- Product of Italie
Mediteranean Sardine preserved in Olive oil
About: Pollastrini was founded in 1889 in Anzio, a small Coastal Town, 50 km from Rome. Pollastrini was the first ever Italian company to specialise in the canning of Sardines. Recipes and knowledge have barely changed since, handed down from generation to generation in the respect of tradition. To this day, Pollastrini is the last remaining ltalian canning company processing exclusively 100 % Mediteranean caught fish.
From April to November when fish are at their best, a fleet of small vessels fish at night using lights to attract the small fish shoals toward their nets. Freshly landed every morning, the fish are transported immediately to the processing facility where they are tinned within hours to pack in all the freshness of those delicate fish.
1 in stock
Sardines 70%, Olive Oil 30%
Catch area / Method of capture: