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KG Monkfish Fillets
SALE €37.50 / Kg €38.50 / Kg

Monk fillet (membrane off) – Firm texture , mild flavor, 100% boneless, great for stew, fish curries, kebabs or roasted in the pan…  Monk fish must be always be cooked or Frozen 24 hours prior to consuming raw as a ceviche

This is a wild product, we carefully check for those, but be aware of the eventual remaining presences of Nematodes on this product.

1 kg fillets (VP)
One pack costs: €37.50 (Save €1.00)
Purchase & earn 7 points!
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    • Sustainability:
      Latin name:Lophius piscatorius
    • Catch area / Method of capture:
      Wild, Trawl caught, Ireland
    Fishmongers Tip:

    Monk fish was once a specie rejected as crab baits and known as the Poorman lobster... It now ranks among the top five wild Irish consumed in Ireland. Monk fish stock are well managed and preserved in Irish waters. Eat more Monk fish