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1/2 Dozen – GALWAY BAY Premium N1 Oysters – FP-

Half Dozen N1 -Large size – Premium Galway bay Oyster – Outstanding oysters grown by Garry Harty  @ Galway Gourmet Oysters. We have known and enjoyed Garry’s oysters for many years. His oysters are on a par with the highest standard of Oysters sold Worldwide. A very smooth, highly polished shells from the rocking and motion from the innovative Flip farm Ireland, and a full oyster with a very high meat content. Probably the best Oysters produced in Ireland at the moment.

6 pieces N1 Flip farm Oysters
One pack costs: €11.00
Purchase & earn 2 points!
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    • Sustainability:
      Latin name:Crassostrea gigas
    • Catch area / Method of capture:
      Premium Galway bay, grown in Flip farm basket