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2KG D€AL Herring
SALE €9.00 / Kg €10.00 / Kg

Fresh Herrings, the most humble of fish, were once the staple fish in the diet of many, both on the coast and the hinterlands, for they were cheap and plentiful. We have all been told the stories of the old times fishmongers travelling on Fridays to every villages in Ireland with barrels of Herrings.  Great quality Herrings, with a good size are now more difficult to come by in Ireland.

We do not stock Herrings year round, but only when size, quality and fat content is at its best. If Herring are available for you to purchase today, add them to your cart and enjoy those Silver Darlings.



Every Herring enthusiasts know that when fresh t is best to cook them whole on the bone, to remain the thin hair like sides bones on the main skeleton there is only one way to consume Fresh Herring. Fresh, Headless and cooked whole in a pan of butter. Herrings do contain their fair share of bones but  of the fish so if it is to be enjoyed fresh    It is available in so many forms.: Fresh, Smoked, Salted, Pickled, Cured. But for the true Herrings aficionado.

2kg ( 8-12 Fish)
One pack costs: €18.00 (Save €2.00)

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  • Sustainability:
    Latin name:Clupea harengus
  • Catch area / Method of capture:
    Purse seine, Norway / Denmark